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Five video lighting equipment for video creators

Lighting is the key to making or breaking a video. And video lighting equipment plays a big role in getting proper illumination in video making. The equipment options vary by the video types, and so does the setup. In this article, we will talk about five lighting equipment that are commonly used in video creation. Read the article to see what COLBOR light sources are used and learn how to set them up from the tutorial videos.

COLBOR CL330 package list

LED lighting: It is the best lighting equipment for video for beginners

LED is an abbreviation for light-emitting diode. LED lighting is substantially more energy-efficient and, as a result, physically cooler and smaller than incandescent lighting. They are also significantly more adaptive and versatile than standard tungsten, fluorescent, or HMI light sources.

Equipment list

  • COLBOR CL60: It is a best studio light for video at 65W power output, featuring 2700K-6500K color temperature and 97+ CRI.
  • CL60R: An RGB LED light offers 3,600,000 colors and 13 preset lighting effects.
  • COLBOR BP90 softbox: A 90cm softbox to soften lighting to avoid harsh shadows.
  • Reflector: To make the light brighter for hard illumination.
  • Two video light stands: These are sturdy and adjustable stands to hold the fixture in place so they don’t fall over.

Video tutorial on how to set it up

Video by YouTuber Sergio Mota | Academy

In this video, Sergio Mota | Academy uses the video lighting equipment mentioned above to set up 3-point lighting for music videos. The steps are as follow:

  • Soften the light from CL60 with BP90 softbox.
  • Place the CL60 to one side in front of the subject and set the color temperature at 4750K.
  • Bounce the CL60R off the wall and set it at the same color temperature as practical light in the background.
  • Make use of the window to get backlight.
  • Sergio Mota | Academy also shows how to use two CL60R fixture, or one CL60/CL60R to get creative music videos. Check the video to get more setup ideas.

Price table









Note: The price is from COLBOR-authorized Seller, Moman PhotoGears Store.

Softbox lighting: Video recording lighting equipment for those who look for soft and even lighting

Softboxes are translucent boxes that come in a variety of forms and sizes and are designed to fit over a studio light. A softbox is an excellent video lighting tool since it diffuses and filters the intense glare from the bulbs within. This produces a soft, uniform, generally shadow-free light on the subject.

Video lighting equipment list

  • 2 fixtures of COLBOR CL60 studio light for video (This is good to begin with)
  • COLBOR BL65 lantern softbox
  • Video light stand: To hold the fixture in place so they don’t fall over.

Video tutorial on how to set it up

Video by KN film

A decent beginning point is to set your subject in the center of two lights that should be placed at a little angle - imagine a shallow triangle with your subject at the head and each of the two lights forming the other point. And you can check the video to see how the YouTuber KN film use the softbox on the CL60.

Price table







Note: The price is from COLBOR-authorized Seller, Moman PhotoGears Store and B&H store.

Ring light: Go-to option for beauty and makeup vloggers

This type of video lighting equipment is popular among beauty and makeup influencers. It is a lightbulb or panel designed in the shape of a ring that is popular because it casts an even, attractive light all around your face. Its form also allows you to video by pointing your camera right through the center of the ring.

Lighting equipment list

  • A ring light (with a snap-on filter, you may adjust the color temperature).
  • A ring light stand. It can safely hold your ring light while you shoot, and some feature adjustable goosenecks so you can position the light at the ideal angle for your subject.
  • Extra illumination is provided via softboxes and lamps. This is optional because you may film with just a ring light, but more softboxes to provide light from the side or rear are required for even, all-around illumination.

How to set it up

If you have a single ring light, position it directly in front of the face of the subject. This ensures it to cast even lighting over the face. If you have two of them, it is good to place one on each side and experiment with the angle to get the best illumination.


Between $200-400

3-point lighting: Professional video lighting equipment for seasoned filmmakers

A good setup for video lighting is is known as "3-point lighting" because it consists of three lights: the key, fill, and background lights.

  • The key light should be brighter than the other two, and it should be aimed straight at your subject's face, slightly above eye level.
  • The fill light fills in any harsh shadows left by the main light, creating a more pleasant appearance.
  • The backdrop light - aim this light at your background to get some light that differentiates your subject from what's behind them.

Lighting equipment list

  • Key light: COLBOR CL220 LED continuous light
  • Fill light: COLBOR CL60R
  • Background light: COLBOR CL60R
  • Video light stands

    Video tutorial on how to set it up

    Video by David Zhou

    In this video, David Zhou clearly explains what is the use of each light and tells how to set it up. Check the video to learn about the way to set up 3-point lighting. You can also learn how to add one more light to make it a 4-point setup.

    Price table







    Note: The price is from COLBOR-authorized Seller, Moman PhotoGears Store.

    Natural light: A low-budget choice with simple setup

    Natural lighting is a simple (and free!) technique to achieve effective video lighting. As your main light source, choose the largest window you have that does not get direct sunlight. It casts a lovely light that naturally wraps around your subject, especially when the glass is frosted.

    Lighting equipment list

    • Window
    • A reflector
    • A reflector, which is optional.

    How to set it up

    Position your camera near the window and your reflector such that it reflects back the window light to fill the shadow regions on your subject's face.


    Less than $30


    Why video lighting equipment is crucial to make your videos look professional?

    Lighting equipment for YouTube videos gives you more control over the video lighting. You can use it to set up proper illumination, getting the following benefits:

    It makes you look professional and makes the audience keep watching with clear frame.

    Good lighting is crucial if you're performing a makeup lesson or demonstration so that your audience can easily see the colors and methods you use.

    You aim to establish an atmosphere that supports your message. Different lighting effects and levels of illumination can convey subtle messages to your audience and elicit the emotions you seek.

    The spectator is drawn to the subject you want them to look at by good lighting. Contrasting lighting may draw attention to persons or items.

    What are the types of light sources in lighting equipment for video?

    Video shooting requires continuous lighting to offer consistent illumination. The commonly used types are as follow:

    Tungsten: This is the most common type. It is at the color temperature of 3200K to give yellow, orange, and red look. It runs hot and creates much heat, which needs careful operation.

    Fluorescent: These lights have a color temperature from 3200K to 5600K. however, each fluorescent tube features only one color temperature so you need to use different bulbs for various color temperatures. The tube is usually used with other tubes to get higher brightness.

    LED: This type of video lighting equipment can come in single color temperature, bi-color, RGB, RGBW, or RGBWW. LEDs are adjustable at brightness and energy-efficient. They create little heat, offering a comfortable shooting environment. They have longer lifespan, which makes it cost-effective.

    HMI: It uses an arc lamp to create lighting. HMIs comes with color temperature between 5600K to 6000K. They have higher output and are usually used for outdoor video making.